3B Scientific Surface Tension Ring User Manual

Page 4

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Elwe Didactic GmbH • Steinfelsstr. 6 • 08248 Klingenthal • Germany •

3B Scientific GmbH • Rudorffweg 8 • 21031 Hamburg • Germany •

Rights to amend technical specifications reserved

© Copyright 2008 3B Scientific GmbH

Suspend the surface tension ring from the
dynamometer and suspend both together from
the hook.

Fill the beaker with distilled water and place it
on the extended laboratory jack.

Move the laboratory jack with the beaker on it
up to the stand and lower the ring until it is
completely immersed in the water.

Read the force on the dynamometer and note it

Slowly lower the laboratory jack while observing
the dynamometer scale.

Record the force at the instant when the edge of
the ring comes away from the water’s surface.

The difference between the two forces is the force
needed to overcome the surface tension and pull the
ring clear.