3B Scientific Photoelectric Effect Vacuum Cell User Manual
3b scientific, Physics

Vacuum Photocell U8482415
Gas Filled Photocell U8482445
Instruction Sheet
07/09 LT/ALF
1 Sockets for collector voltage
2 Clamping rod
3 Photocell tube
4 Output sockets
1. Safety instructions
When the instrument is used in accordance with
the instructions and regulations, safe operation is
ensured. However, safety is not guaranteed if the
instrument has been treated inappropriately or
If there is reason to believe that safe operation is
no longer possible (e.g., if there is visible damage),
the instrument must not be used, or if in use it
must be taken out of service immediately.
When the photocell is used with the 500 V DC
power supply (U33000), there may be voltages that
are dangerous to touch in the area of the
Only use safety experiment leads for the
Only make connections when the voltage
supply is switched off.
Keep within the specified operating
Do not expose the photocell to temperatures
above 50°C.
Do not expose the photocell to direct sunlight,
and store it in darkness whenever possible.
2. Description
The vacuum photocell U8482415 and the gas-filled
photocell U8482445 are used for demonstrating
the photoelectric effect and the increase of the
flow of electrons when the light intensity is
The photocell mounting and the electrical circuit
are protected for safe handling in a plastic housing
with a clamping rod.
The photocell tubes have a base with 7 pins, and
can only be fitted into the housing in the correct
orientation. The light-sensitive side of the photocell
is on the side of the anode filament which is
approximately in the centre of the cathode shell.
Figure 1 shows the circuit of the photocell. The
collector voltage U
is applied to the pair of sockets
(1), and produces an electric field between the
cathode and the anode. The dependence of the
photoelectric current on the light intensity can be
measured by connecting a microammeter to the
other pair of sockets (2).
If the measurement is made by connecting a
voltage amplifier, the voltage must be measured
relative to the blue socket (1). As the measurement