3B Scientific Filmpack 2 User Manual
3b scientific® physics

Filmpack 2 for Radiography 1000669
Filmpack 4 for Debye-Scherrer Recordings 1000670
Instruction sheet
10/12 ALF
1 Film sheets
2 Cannula
3 Metal clip
4 Developer
5 Fixer
6 Syringe
1. Description
The Filmpacks contain high speed X-ray film
seperately sealed in thin, black p.v.c. envelopes
that have two apertures to accept the cannula of
a syringe. Light cannot reach the film directly
through the apertures. It can be fogged through
the p.v.c. if exposed to bright sunlight or left for
same time in fluorescent lighting. The packaging
allows development and fixing in daylight.
Two sizes of X-ray film are available:
Filmpack 2
is used
for radiography.
Filmpack 4 is used for Debye-Scherrer re-
Film cassettes and Debye-Scherrer camera are
contained in Basic equipment Set for the X-Ray
Apparatus (1000665).
2. Scope of delivery
20 film sheets (38 x 35 mm) (Filmpack 2)
12 film sheets (150 x 12 mm) (Filmpack 4)
1 bottle of X-ray developer
1 bottle of X-ray fixer
1 syringe
1 cannula
1 metal clip