The human skeleton with ligaments, Front side – 3B Scientific The Human Skeleton Chart, front User Manual
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The Human Skeleton with Ligaments
Front Side
1 Frontal bone
2 Parietal bone
3 Temporal bone
4 Zygomatic bone (cheekbone)
5 Mastoid process
6 Mandibula (mandible)
7 Nasal bone
8 Orbital cavity
9 Maxillary bone
10 Prominent vertebra
11 1st thoracic vertebra
12 True ribs (I-VII)
13 False ribs (VIII-XII)
14 Floating ribs (XI+XII)
15 Clavicle
16 Acromion (acromial bone)
17 Scapula
18 Manubrium of sternum
19 Sternal body
20 Xiphoid process
21 Head of humerus
22 Humerus
23 Medial epicondyle of humerus
24 Lateral epicondyle of humerus
25 Radial head of humerus (capitulum of
26 Trochlea of humerus
27 Head of radius
28 Radius (radial bone)
29 Ulna
30 Carpal bones
30a Scaphoid bone
30b Lunate bone
30c Triquetral bone
30d Pisiform bone
30e Trapezium bone
30f Trapezoid bone
30g Capitate bone
30h Hamate bone
31 Metacarpal bones
32 Digital bones of hand
32a Proximal phalanx of hand
32b Medial phalanx of hand
32c Distal phalanx of hand
33 Lumbar vertebra
34 Transverse process of 1st lumbar vertebra
35 Iliac bone
36 Pubic bone
37 Ischial bone
38 Sacral bone
39 Coccygeal bone
40 Femur (thigh bone)
41 Patella
42 Tibia (shin bone)
43 Fibula
44 Lateral malleolus
45 Medial malleolus
46 Tarsal bone
46a Talus
46b Navicular bone
46c Calcaneus (heel bone)
46d Cuneiform bone I-III
46e Cuboid bone
47 Metatarsal bone
48 Bones of the toes
I Coracoacromial ligament
II Intertubercular synovial sheath
III Tendon of long head of biceps brachii
IV Articular, capsule
V Radial collateral ligament
VI Sacciform recess
VII Ulnar collateral ligament
VIII Palmar radiocarpal ligament
IX Collateral ligament
X Anterior longitudinal ligament
XI Iliolumbar ligament
XII Iliofemoral ligament
XIII Pubofemoral ligament
XIV Fibular collateral ligament
XV Transverse ligament of knee
XVI Medial meniscus of knee
XVII Patellar ligament
XVIII Tibial collateral ligament
XIX Deltoid ligament of ankle