Human blood circulation – 3B Scientific Human Blood Circulation Chart User Manual

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Human Blood Circulation

A Schematic Blood Circulation
1 Internal jugular vein
2 Superior vena cava
3 Capillary region of the tongue
4 Pulmonary trunk
5 Right atrium
6 Right ventricle
7 Inferior vena cava
8 Hepatic portal vein
9 Common carotid artery
10 Arch of aorta
11 Ascending aorta
12 Descending aorta
13 Left atrium
14 Left ventricle
15 Capillary region of the Liver
16 Capillary region of the Spleen
17 Capillary region of the Intestine
18 Capillary region of the left Kidney
19 Capillary region of Pelvic Organs

B Cross-section of an Artery
1 Tunica externa
2 Tunica media
3 Tunica intima

C Cross-section of a Vein
1 Confluence of a small vein
2 Venous valves

D Opened Heart
1 Right brachiocephalic vein
2 Left brachiocephalic vein
3 Brachiocephalic trunk
4 Left common carotid artery
5 Left subclavian artery
6 Superior vena cava
7 Right auricle
8 Fossa ovalis
9 Right atrium
10 Valve of inferior vena cava
11 Opening of coronary sinus
12 Tricuspid valve (Right atrioventricular valve)
13 Right ventricle
14 Papillary muscle
15 Arch of aorta
16 Pulmonary trunk
17 Left pulmonary veins
18 Opening of pulmonary trunk
19 Left atrium
20 Left auricle
21 Left coronary artery
22 Mitral valva (Left atrioventricular valve)

23 Left ventricle
24 Apex of heart