KIA Rio_Rio5 2006 User Manual

Page 118

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Driving your vehicle



Disc brakes wear indicator

Your vehicle has disc brakes.
When your brake pads are worn and it's
time for new pads, you will hear a high-
pitched warning sound from your front
brakes or rear brakes (if equipped). You
may hear this sound come and go or it
may occur whenever you depress the
brake pedal.
Please remember that some driving
conditions or climates may cause a
brake squeal when you first apply (or
lightly apply) the brakes. This is nor-
mal and does not indicate a problem
with your brakes.


To avoid costly brake repairs, do not
continue to drive with worn brake pads.

Parking brake

To apply the parking brake, pull the park-
ing brake handle fully and firmly upward
while applying the service brake.

• Wet brakes may result in the vehi-

cle not slowing down at the usual
rate and pulling to one side when
the brakes are applied. After
going through water, apply the
brakes lightly to regain smooth
braking performance.


- Brake wear

This brake wear warning sound
means your vehicle needs service.
If you ignore this audible warning,
you will eventually lose braking per-
formance, which could lead to a
serious accident.


Always replace brake pads as com-
plete front or rear axle sets to
ensure smooth brake performance.


Driving with the parking brake
applied will cause excessive brake
pad and brake rotor wear.


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