Peerless-AV ACC329 - Sell Sheet User Manual
Laptop tray for lct and lcw monitor arms, Acc329, For use with most laptop computers and tablets

Laptop Tray for LCT and LCW Monitor Arms
For use with most laptop computers and tablets
With the frequency of laptop use, there is an increasing need to optimize home or office
workstations to promote enhanced ergonomic posture. The ACC329 creates an ergonomic
workstation for laptop usage, putting everything needed at eye level with a tray that securely
holds any standard laptop computer. Designed with a front edge that prevents the laptop from
sliding forward, the mount tray will also accommodate a convertible notebook in either tablet or
laptop mode. Transitioning from mobile computing to a desktop solution is effortless. The ACC329
easily mounts with just four screws to a selection of Peerless' Universal LCT and LCW Monitor Arms
Max load: 20lb (11kg)
Creates an ergonomic
workstation for laptop use
Includes a 5 volt cooling fan
that plugs into a USB port
Compatible with most
laptop computers and
CaLL: 800.865.2112
FaX: 800.359.6500
USB Cooling Fan