Rainbow Electronics MPBlock User Manual

Features, Description

background image

NOTE: This is a summary document.
The complete document is available
under NDA. For more information,
please contact your local Atmel sales


500,000 Gates/250,000 Gates Metal Programmable Logic (through 5 Metal Layers) for

AT91CAP9S500A/AT91CAP9S250A Respectively

Ten 512 x 36-bit Dual Port RAMs

Eight 512 x 72-bit Single Port RAMs

High Connectivity for Up to Three AHB Masters and Four AHB Slaves

Up to Seven AIC Interrupt Inputs

Up to Four DMA Hardware Handshake Interfaces

Delay Lines for Double Data Rate Interface

UTMI+ Full Connection

Up to 77 Dedicated I/Os



The Atmel


AT91 Customizable Microcontroller Processor (AT91CAP) concept allows

customization of ARM7

or ARM9

platforms by adding specific peripherals and/or

digital logic into a Metal Programmable Block (MPBlock). The AT91CAP is separated
into two different areas:


AT91CAP hard part: A fixed area containing the ARM


processor, the ARM

system, the internal memories and several peripherals described in the
AT91CAP datasheet.


MPBlock part: Metal Programmable area dedicated to customization and
using only the metal levels of the technology.

T h e U s e r G u i d e s h o w s t h e c a p a b i l i t i e s f o r c u s t o m i z a t i o n o f t h e
AT91CAP9S500A/AT91CAP9S250A based on a concrete example.

The customization example includes the following objects:

• An AHB2APB Bridge creating a dedicated APB bus inside the MPBlock

• An AHB Peripheral DMA controller

• An APB Debug Unit (UART) connected to the Peripheral DMA Controller

• An Internal RAM Controller using the dedicated MPBlock RAM blocks

The User Guide first describes the AT91CAP9S500A/AT91CAP9S250A database in
terms of directories and logical design structure. It then guides the user through the
complete AT91CAP9S500A/AT91CAP9S250A customization flow using the given


User Guide



Table of contents