En) introduction – TC Electronic Dark Matter Distortion User Manual
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(EN) Introduction
Congratulations! You have just bought a distortion pedal that personifies rock and represents
all that is good about distorted tones. This pedal will inspire your riffs, licks and leads for years
to come.
This pedal defines instant gratification and will become the go-to distortion pedal on your board.
Initially, you simply plug it in and start rocking, but its many great sounds will have you playing with it
for years to come. From bluesy crunch to hi-gain, but always very musical distortion sounds, this pedal
was designed for the guitarists who like things a bit (or extremely) dirty. Featuring an all-analog circuit,
dual-band tone controls, level and drive knobs and a voicing switch to tweak both bass response and
distortion, you are set from creamy leads over riff-heavy stadium rock to modern angst-ridden grunge.