Moog Music Etherwave Plus Kit (Owner's Manual) User Manual

Page 3

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adjusts which harmonics are strong and which

are weak, while the BRIGHTNESS knob adjusts

the overall amount of harmonic content.

Correct Playing Position: Position yourself slightly

left of center of the instrument. When your right

arm is fully extended, your knuckles should just

touch the pitch antenna. The right hand is

moved horizontally toward and away from the

pitch antenna. The left hand is moved vertically

over the volume antenna.

The PITCH and VOLUME tuning adjustments

should now be checked. Without moving your

feet, place both hands at your side and stand

erect. The instrument should produce a very

low-pitched tone, or be completely silent ('zero

beat'). Now bring your right hand up to your

shoulder. The pitch should be about one to two

octaves below middle C. If this low note is not

heard, then adjust the PITCH knob until the

desired condition is obtained. Note that the

PITCH knob is a tuning adjustment. It sets the

distance that you have to stand away from the

pitch antenna in order to obtain zero beat.

When you turn the PITCH knob clockwise, the

distance is reduced, thus compressing the

distance between musical intervals.

Check the volume adjustment as follows:

Place your left hand eight inches above the

volume antenna. This should produce a

noticeable reduction in the loudness of the

tone. If it does not, then turn the VOLUME knob

counterclockwise until the desired effect is

obtained. On the other hand, turning the

VOLUME adjustment knob too far

counterclockwise will prevent you from

producing loud tones. Note that the

ETHERWAVE's VOLUME knob is a tuning

adjustment. Its purpose is to adjust how the

instrument's volume changes as your left hand

approaches the volume antenna. This knob is

not a 'volume control'. That is, it does not simply

make the tone louder or softer. It should not be

used to set the instrument's maximum volume.

The volume control on your sound system is

used for that purpose.

You will rapidly develop a feel for these

adjustments. After a few practice sessions, you

will be able to tune the theremin rapidly and


Techniques of practicing: Like any expressive
musical instrument, the theremin takes some

practice. Start with the following simple


1. Stand slightly left of the center of the

instrument, with your right shoulder about 24"

from the pitch antenna. Relax your wrists. Think

of a note and hum it to yourself. Then move

your right hand toward the pitch antenna until

the theremin pitch coincides with what you're

humming. Now hold the note. This is not as

easy as it sounds, but is an important

technique to learn. You will find at first that it is

actually hard to stand still, but a few hours'

practice will work wonders.

2. Hum two different notes, one after the other.

Find the first note on the theremin, hold it, and

then slowly glide to the second.

3. Repeat the above exercise, but bring your

left hand near the volume antenna while your

right hand glides from one note to the next.

Move the left hand slowly at first, and then

more rapidly as you learn to move your left

hand independently of your right. This exercise

teaches you to 'feel' where the notes are, and

to impart expressive dynamics.

4. While playing a note, introduce a vibrato by

moving your right hand back and forth from

your wrist, several times a second. Concentrate

on making the vibrato even and steady.

The above exercises will give you basic skills of

theremin playing: finding notes, playing

intervals, articulating notes, and introducing a

vibrato. With these basic skills, you can play

slow melodies. Practicing regular scales and

arpeggios will increase your proficiency. Focus

on accuracy of pitch and precise control over
