Moog Music MF-103 12-Stage Phaser User Manual

Page 13

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5 volts at the tip terminal is equivalent to turning the corresponding knob through

its entire range. You can 'program' your MF-103 performance parameters
entirely from external control voltages, by turning all four control knobs (but not
the DRIVE or OUTPUT LEVEL knobs) counterclockwise, and feeding 0 to +5Volt
programming voltages to the tips of the four pedal control input jacks.

Figure 12 – Correct wiring for an expression pedal

Figure 13 – Correct wiring for a TRS CV patch


AUDIO PATH: The bypassed signal goes through a unity-gain buffer amplifier
and an electronic switch before appearing at the AUDIO and AUX output jacks.
Thus, when the phaser is bypassed, the signal levels at the output jacks are the

same as what your instrument is producing. However, the MF-103 will not pass
an audio signal unless power is applied to it.