Moog Music Voyager Old School User Manual

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Voyager OS User’s Manual - The Components

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Voyager OS User’s Manual - The Components

Each oscillator features a continuously variable WAVE (waveform) control. The legend on the front panel
shows the standard waveforms that are available at certain positions on the dial: triangle, sawtooth, square,
and rectangular. The waveform is morphed gradually from one to another as the WAVE control is rotated.
Because the waveform is voltage controlled, this parameter can be modulated; this generates some very

interesting timbral changes. By limiting the modulation between
the square and rectangular waveform, you can get pulse width
modulation (PWM). Although the waveforms can be set from the
front panel individually for each oscillator, modulation through the
Mod Busses affects all three waveforms simultaneously. When using
modulation, it is possible to make the width of the rectangular wave
so skinny that it becomes silent.

1-2 Sync:
The 1-2 SYNC switch is one of four switches located at the bottom of the oscillator panel. In the ON
position, the 1-2 SYNC switch synchronizes Oscillator 2 to Oscillator 1. Oscillator sync is an effect caused

by resetting an oscillator waveform’s start point with another
oscillator as shown here (the effect is more noticeable if the synced
oscillator is a higher frequency than the reset oscillator). The main
frequency heard is that of the reset oscillator. As the frequency
of the synced oscillator is swept, it reinforces the harmonics of the
reset oscillator. Depending on how it is applied, the effect can be
aggressive or warm and vocal. This effect is much more dramatic
when Oscillator 2 is set to a higher octave than Oscillator 1.

3-1 FM:
In the ON position, the 3-1 FM switch turns on linear Frequency Modulation (FM) of Oscillator 1 by
Oscillator 3. When an Oscillator is used as a CV source for another VCO, it is called frequency modulation.
Frequency modulation effects can vary from vibrato or trill effects to clangorous inharmonic sounds to
rich timbres that evoke acoustic sounds. Linear FM is the kind of frequency modulation used in classic FM

3 KB Cont (Oscillator 3 Keyboard Control):
The 3 KB CONT switch disables keyboard control of Oscillator 3 when in the OFF position. By disabling
the keyboard control, you can use Oscillator 3 as a drone or as a modulation source whose frequency
doesn’t change with the key played. In addition to turning off the keyboard control of Oscillator 3, switching
to OFF increases the amount by which the Oscillator FREQUENCY control changes the frequency of
Oscillator 3.

3 Freq (Oscillator 3 Frequency):
The 3 FREQ switch selects the frequency range of Oscillator 3. When the switch is in the LO position,
Oscillator 3 operates as a sub-audio sound source (producing clicks) or as a modulation source (LFO).
When the switch is in the HI position, Oscillator 3 operates with the same available frequency range as
Oscillator 2.