Moog Music Animoog for BlackBerry Z10 User Manual
Page 3

- The X/Y PAD is an 8 x 16 grid of selected TIMBRES that evolve as each
voice moves through the 2 dimensional space, leaving a colored trail. The grid is
composed of 8 assignable waveforms arranged top to bottom on the TIMBRES page.
Touching and moving the large green dot on the grid offsets the voice PATH and ORBIT
location of a voice.
The KB SCALE page sets the root key and scale of the touch keys. It also
controls assignment modes for monophonic or polyphonic operation. Scales are selected
from a list or can be user assigned. They can be edited from existing scales by tapping
keys in the display area. The selected keys illuminate in the display and add corresponding
touch keys to the keyboard. To select a commonly used scale, touch the SCALE tab
pulldown menu. To set the key's ROOT NOTE, select from the ROOT NOTE menu on the
upper right of the display. Customized scales may be stored with PRESETS, but cannot
be added to the SCALE menu.
At the bottom of the display screen, there are 3 buttons that control synthesizer voicing:
MONO Touching and illuminating MONO turns Animoog into a monophonic (1 voice)
synthesizer useful for leads, basses, and solos. With MONO off, the polyphony is 4 voices
with 1, 2 or 4 available layers which are set in the THICK module.
With MONO and LEGATO turned on, the voice will re-trigger when playing detached
separate notes, but will not re-trigger on overlapping notes. In this mode, GLIDE is only
active when an overlapping legato note is detected.
With MONO on and LEGATO off, each new note played triggers the envelopes from
start. GLIDE is only active when sliding to an adjacent note. LEGATO only affects
MONO voicing.
PHASE RESET forces the ASE oscillators to reset at the same start phase with each
new note. With stacked voices selected in the THICK page, PHASE RESET resets the
voices for each new note for flanging and comb filtering effects and also gives the
voice a harder edged attack. With PHASE RESET off, voices "free run" and vary from
note to note naturally.
ENVELOPES control the attack, decay, sustain and release of the AMP
(amplitude), FILTER, and MOD (assignable modulation via the MOD 1-4 slots). Drag
the green dots to adjust the envelope shape.
LFO (low frequency oscillator) is a modulation source. RATE controls the LFO
frequency. When SYNC is on, the RATE is a multiple or division of the BPM, ranging
from 8 Wn (whole notes) to 1/64 Wn. SHAPE is a continuously variable blend from
Sine, to Ramp, to Sawtooth, to Square, to Sample and Hold. All of the waveshapes
are bipolar (symmetrical over the zero crossing) except for Square wave, which is
unipolar. KB TRIG re-triggers the start phase of the LFO waveform with each new
voice triggered.
MOD 1-4 Select from the 4 tabs to edit the modulation slots, each with programmable
SOURCE selects the modulation source. Touch the arrow to open the pull-down
menu and select OFF, LFO, MOD, X-POSITION or Y-POSITION as a source. If OFF is
selected, then CONTROL becomes the modulation source. AMOUNT is Bipolar and
can be used to scale or invert the selected source's modulation amount. Double
tapping the AMOUNT knob zeroes out the modulation amount.
CONTROL can be a source or it can scale the SOURCE modulation amount. If OFF
is selected, then the controller selected at the menu is scaled by the AMOUNT knob's
setting and routed to the DESTINATION parameter.
If there is a selected SOURCE from the source pull-down menu, then SOURCE
AMOUNT sets the initial modulation amount, and CONTROL AMOUNT crossfades
between the SOURCE AMOUNT and a scaled amount via the selected controller.
If SOURCE AMOUNT is 100% and CONTROL AMOUNT is zero (12:00), or OFF is
selected, then there is no controller scaling of the modulator. If the CONTROL
AMOUNT is set to 100% then the selected controller scales the modulation from
the selected SOURCE. Adjusting the SOURCE and CONTROL AMOUNT settings in
tandem sets the modulation range. CONTROL sources are OFF, POLY-PRESSURE,
DESTINATION is the parameter to be modulated by the SOURCE and CONTROL
settings. Select a DESTINATION from the pull-down menu. DESTINATIONS are
TIMBRE- The TIMBRE array is composed of a selection of 8 static or evolving timbres,
which are the heart of the ASE oscillator. These timbres have been meticulously derived
from a number of classic sources including the Moog Voyager, Little Phatty, 12 Stage
Phaser, MURF and other Modular Synthesizers. On the left side of the screen, the
selected timbres correspond exactly to their location in the X/Y PAD. Audition the raw
timbre (left) by touching and holding it. Replace a timbre by selecting the desired slot
in the array and then select a new timbre from the scrolling list on the right side of the
screen. To change the order of the timbres in the array, drag a timbre to its desired
location and it will swap locations with the timbre in that slot.