Grain Systems Unload Augers PNEG-1040 User Manual

Date: 03-31-10
1004 East Illinois Street • Assumption, IL 62510 • 1-217-226-4421
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Copyright © 2010 by GSI Group
6", 8" and 10" Truss Kit Assembly
for 20' and 30' Spans
This handout is to be used for the installation of the truss kit only. For installation of, or problems
with equipment other than truss kits, refer to the manual(s) pertaining to that product.
This truss kit is designed to provide support for auger sections up to 30' in length.
NOTE: Augers over 30' long should use a permanent rigid type of support system to help minimize
auger vibration.
shows a cable truss kit as it may appear at a bin site where small diameter bins are used.
shows an alternative rigid system of support that uses a “stub tower” that bolts to the bin sides
and attaches to the auger tubing with halfbands. A stub tower may originate from the ground and is usually
used on larger size bins.
Figure 1
Figure 2
On most bins, the solid attach points are at the fill ring and sidewall. Use these when supporting overhead
weight whenever possible.