Information sheet – Velleman MONSCA4N User Manual
Page 2

Information sheet
Last update: 25/05/2010
Line defect
A complete line of pixels, horizontally, vertically or diagonally, that appear bright or dark.
Brightness of the display is not uniform over the whole display area.
Smallest addressable screen element. For colour TFT displays, these are made up of 3 separate
colour elements: red, green and blue. Varying the intensity of these 3 colours (or dots) can
create pixels of any desired colour.
Polarizer dent
White spots on the display that become visible on a darker background. Their size remains the
same when adjusting the display settings.
Polarizer scratch
Lines on the display that are visible against a darker background. These lines always have the
same length.
Sub-pixel (dot)
One colour element of a pixel.
3. Defects
A defect can be shaped either round or elongated.
A round defect is defined by its average diameter, which equals the sum of max. height and
maximum width divided by 2.
An elongated defect is defined by its length and width.
The distance D between two defective dots is measured as indicated below:
Adjacent dots are defined as follows (examples):