2 connection procedure – VEGA VEGAPULS 66 (≥ 2.0.0 - ≤ 3.8) Foundation Fieldbus User Manual
Page 23

In systems without potential equalisation, connect the cable screen
directly to ground potential at the power supply unit and at the sensor.
In the connection box or T-distributor, the screen of the short stub to
the sensor must not be connected to ground potential or to another
cable screen. The cable screens to the power supply unit and to the
next distributor must be connected to each other and also connected
to ground potential via a ceramic capacitor (e.g. 1 nF, 1500 V). The low
frequency potential equalisation currents are thus suppressed, but the
protective effect against high frequency interference signals remains.
The total capacitance of the cable and of all capacitors must not exceed
10 nF in Ex applications.
Take note of the corresponding installation regulations for Ex
applications. In particular, make sure that no potential equalisation
currents flow over the cable screen. In case of grounding on both sides
this can be achieved by the use of a capacitor or a separate potential
5.2 Connection procedure
Proceed as follows:
Unscrew the housing cover
If an indicating and adjustment module is installed, remove it by
turning it slightly to the left.
Loosen compression nut of the cable entry
Remove approx. 10 cm (4 in) of the cable mantle, strip approx.
1 cm (0.4 in) insulation from the ends of the individual wires
Insert the cable through the cable gland into the sensor
Lift the opening levers of the terminals with a screwdriver (see
following illustration)
Select connec-
tion cable for Ex
66 • Foundation Fieldbus
5 Connecting to power supply