Equinox, Proreporter – Synergy Digital Equinox ProReporter User Manual
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ProReporter is a Window-based application that
helps you to easily generate playback and system status
reports for all out-of-home digital media players. It can help
administrators to collect and record data, generate state-
ments, and analyze the operation of media players.
ProReporter includes three parts - Server side,
Client side software, and Player.
Client side – Allow user login to one system in server, and
create and view reports belong to this system.
* There must be an internet connection on client side computer so the
client side software can login to remote server and download logs from
Server side – Store player list, files list, and playback log
of each player in a database.
Player – Create log of playback and send one log file to the
server every day.
ProReporter Software is a windows application which can be
run on a Windows operating system.
* The computer must have .Net framework 3.5 installed before running
this software.
ProReporter utilizes a local standalone database to store
playback log data, and creates the playback report locally.
User can choose which player and what time period of the
report to update, thus reducing the amount of log files to be
loaded from the remote server.
Synergy Digital Media Corporation
USA Office:
7969, Koa Wood Court
Corona, CA 92880 USA
Tel.: (951) 479-5010
Fax: (951) 710-8985
E-mail. [email protected]
Web. www.synergydmc.com
Unit 20, 455 Cochrane Dr.
Markham ON L3R 9R3 Canada
Tel.: (905) 307-0416
Fax: (905) 307-0415
E-mail. [email protected]
Web. www.synergydmc.com
ProReporter can show the total duration, total times of
playback of players and media files within a specified time
ProReporter can show a detailed list of all the start times,
durations, zones and monitor sizes in pixels of every
playback, and produce a percentage bar chart for each day.
User can export player list, file list or report to an Excel file or
print out to a printer.
User can see the location map of a selected player according
to the player’s postal code.
User can check the history of database updates.
User can print the data tables.