Setup others, Pc settings – Naxa NT-1902 User Manual

Page 14

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1. Clos ed Caption

2. Menu La nguage

3. Cloc k

Capt ion Di splay

Anal og Ca ption Type

Digital Cap tion Type

Digital CC Prese t

Digital CC Style

Time Zone

Auto Clock

Setu p Time

Day of Wee k

Dayl ight S aving Time

Avail able o ptions : On/O ff.

Avail able o ptions : CC1, CC2, CC3, C C4,

Avail able o ptions : Service1, S ervice 2,
Serv ice3, S ervice 4, Ser vice5, Servi ce6.

Avail able o ptions : Defa ult, Cu stom

- This item is avai lable o nly wh en the Digita l CC Preset item is selec ted Cu stom.

Avail able o ptions : Defa ult, Sm all, St andar d, Larg e.

Avail able o ptions : Defa ult, Sty le0, Style1, Style2 , Style 3, Sty le4, St yle5, S tyle6,
Style 7.

Avail able o ptions : Defa ult, So lid, Fla shing , Trans lucen t, Tran sparent.

Avail able o ptions : Defa ult, Bla ck, W hite, R ed, Gr een, B lue, Yellow, Magen ta, Cy an.

Avail able o ptions : Defa ult, So lid, Fla shing , Trans lucen t, Tran sparent.

Avail able o ptions : Defa ult, Bla ck, W hite, R ed, Gr een, B lue, Yellow, Magen ta, Cy an.

Avail able o ptions : Engli sh, French, S panis h.

- Pre ss LEF T or R IGHT naviga tion b utton t o selec t wan ted op tion.

- Pre ss ENT ER bu tton to enab le or d isable this item.

- Pre ss UP or Dow n nav igation butto n to se lect th is item .
- Pre ss ENT ER bu tton r epeate dly to move the cu rsor on
Year/Month /Day/H our/M inute /Secon d
- Pre ss LEF T or R IGHT button to adj ust selected item.

- This item is not u ser ad justab le.

- This item is avai lable o nly wh en the Auto Clock is enab led.
- Pre ss ENT ER bu tton to enab le or d isable this item.

CC S ize

CC F ont

CC O pacity

Text Color

CC B ackgro und O pacity

CC B ackgro und C olor

1 . Blue Back

2 . No Signal Power Off

3 . No Ope rati on Power Off

4 . All Res et

5 . Audio Only

- Press ENTER butto n to e nable or disa ble th is
it em.

- Press ENTER butto n to e nable or disa ble th is
it em.

- Press ENTER butto n to e nable or disa ble th is
it em.

- Press ENTER butto n to re sume factor y rese t.

Once t his fun ction is exec uted, the TV syste m will also be reset .

- Press ENTER butto n to s et the unit wi th aud io on o nly.

Once t his fun ction is exec uted, hold o n the POWER butto n on u nit top or

re mote contro l for ab out 3 secon ds to resume norm al play ing.




- Press SOU R CE b utton o n unit top or remot e cont rol to s et the unit in PC m ode.
- Selec t PICT URE i tem in the M ain Me nu and press ENTER but ton to enter i t.
- Then select PC Se ttings item a nd pre ss EN TER b utton to ente r belo w men u page :

- Press ENTER but ton to adjust the sc reen a utoma tically.

Availa ble ran ge: -1 5 to 15 .

Availa ble ran ge: -1 5 to 15 .

Availa ble ran ge: -3 0 to 30 .

Availa ble ran ge: 0- 63.

- Press ENTER but ton to reset a bove items.

1. Auto Adjust

2. Horizontal Position

3. Ve rtical Posit ion

4. Clock

5. Phase

6. Re set