Introduction, Macro key manager control panel introduction – Adesso Cybertablet Z12 Users Manual User Manual

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Macro Key Manager



Macro Key Manager is a kind of s�ecia�� �a���e� a����ica�ion sof��are��

s�ecia�� �a���e� a����ica�ion sof��are��

�a���e� a����ica�ion sof��are��

Through Macro Key Manager, you can se� u� �he key�oard e�en�s


(Co�y= “C�r��+C”�� or hy�er��inks �hich you use �os���y�� �nd �hen,

�� or hy�er��inks �hich you use �os���y�� �nd �hen,


sa�e i� as your fa�ori�e �acro key��

i� as your fa�ori�e �acro key��

We ha�e se�era�� defau��� �rofi��es�� Par� of �acro keys are defau��� �acro
keys �hich �he se��ings are fixed a��ready and can no� �e �odified��
O�her �acro keys are Non-defau��� �acro keys and �he se��ing of �hich
can �e defined and �odified��

Macro Key Manager Control Panel


Macro Key Setting Area

Preview Area