Earthquake Sound Всепогодная User Manual

Page 4

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In order to achieve the best quality and stereo imaging from your AWS
speakers, you must wire the speakers correctly. Wiring can be quickly and
easily achieved, but be aware and cautious of your work, wiring incorrectly can
result in poor sound stage and bass reproduction. 18-gauge (or heavier)
speaker cables are recommended for lengths ranging from 25 feet and up. Prep
your cable for installation: strip the ends 1/2” (12mm) to expose wire, and tightly
twist the ends. For installations that are run on or through a building, use the
correct weather proofed wire that complies with local codes.

How to Wire the AWS Speakers

Prevent electrical shock, by switching off the amplifier or receiver when making
connections to the speaker. When making all connections, be sure to connect
the + (positive) on the speaker to the + (positive) on the amplifier, and the -
(negative) on the speaker to the - (negative) on the amplifier.





+ pos tive)


Speaker wire is

usually marked or textured
differently to distinguish between
positive and negative.

Using the gold-plated binding
posts: you can easily connect
banana-plugs, spade-plugs and
bare wire. Insert the wire into the
hole tighten securely (do not let
bare wire hang out side of hole).

1) Connect the speaker terminals to the amplifier speaker outputs.

2) When making all connections, be sure to connect +(positive) to +(positive)
and - (negative) to -(negative).

Connecting to an Amplifier or Receiver

- +



Amplifier / Receiver

It is important that your speakers are hooked up with alike polarity or “in-phase”.
Use this easy test to determine if you have connected your speakers correctly.
Place speakers face-to-face, as close together as possible. Set your amplifier to
mono and begin listening to music, reverse the connections on one of the
speakers. You should hear distinguishable change in sound. The speaker that
plays louder and deeper is the one that is connected correctly.

Verify That You Correctly Connected Your Speakers



