Garmin StreetPilot User Manual

Page 81

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Navigation Terms

Arrival Time - The estimated time of day you will reach a destination, using current speed and track.
Direction to Go - The direction from your location to a destination point.
Distance to Go - The distance from your location to a destination point.
Driving Avg - Your average speed of travel during the time the vehicle has been in motion, since the Trip Computer was last reset.
Driving Time - The length of time for which the vehicle has been in motion, since the Trip Computer was last reset.
Elevation - The vehicle’s height above Mean Sea Level (MSL), based on GPS measurements.
Max Speed - The maximum speed recorded since the Trip Computer was last reset. It may also be reset individually, without resetting other Trip
Computer information.
Odometer - A running tally of distance traveled, based upon the distance between second-by-second location readings, since the Trip Computer was last reset.
Overall Avg - Your average speed of travel (including time stopped) during the time the StreetPilot has been tracking your location, since the Trip
Computer was last reset.
Speed - The current velocity at which you are traveling, relative to a ground location. Also called ‘ground speed’.
Stopped Time - The length of time which the vehicle has been stopped (stationary) during the time the unit has been tracking your location, since the Trip
Computer was last reset.
Time to Go - The estimated time it will require for you to reach your destination, based on your current speed and the distance to the destination.
Total Time - The total length of time for which the StreetPilot has been tracking your location, since the Trip Computer was last reset. Equal to Driving
Time plus Stopped Time.
Track - The direction of motion relative to a ground location. Also called ‘ground track’.
Track Log - A set of plotted points which, when displayed on the map, show where you have traveled. Sometimes known as a ‘breadcrumb trail’.
Waypoint - A specific location on the earth. A waypoint can be used as the destination for a Direct Goto, or as part of a route.

Appendix F