Activeforever Austin Allergy Machine Air Filter User Manual
Activeforever Air purifiers

We know that exposure to high levels of pollution can cause respiratory problems and
breathing difficulties. In recent years however, there have been a number of studies to prove
that exposure to pollution affects our health in a number of other ways too.
Danish scientists have been studying the damaging effects of pollution on our hearts in recent
years. They claim that people exposed to pollution are 80 percent more likely to go on to
develop a disease known as CAC, Chronic Artery Calcification; a condition that frequently leads
to heart disease. Further studies from Tel Aviv have found that pollution ups the risk of a repeat
heart attack by more than 40 percent.
Researchers from Boston believe that where you live can also
have an impact on the health of your heart. They found that
people who had already suffered a heart attack and survived,
were at a greater risk of dying from heart disease the closer
they lived to a freeway. Even living just 1000 meters away
dramatically decreased the danger.
It’s not just the older generation at risk either. According to a
study from Australia, healthy children with no history of
respiratory problems develop asthma-like symptoms when
exposed to pollution. Most alarmingly, their symptoms were difficult to treat, as they did not
respond well to standard asthma medication.