Activeforever Xvest Weight Vest - 20 lbs. User Manual
Fitting instructions

Fitting Instructions
Step 1:
Remove all weights from the Xvest and release
the two quad-lateral straps.
Step 2:
Release the clip and Velcro™ closures from one
side of the shoulder strap of the Xvest.
Step 3:
Place the Xvest on your body with the top front
of the Xvest approximately 2” below the Sternum /
Jugular notch.
Step 4:
Attach the Velcro™ and the quick release clip
on the loose shoulder strap and then adjust the other
strap. The Xvest
be centered on your torso with
the top and bottom edges level with each other. The
reason we go through this important step is to show
you exactly where the Xvest should be positioned.
Step 5:
Remove the Xvest from your body by lifting
the it over your head or releasing one side of the
shoulder closures.
Step 6:
Select the weight you are going to exercise with
and divide the weights into two equal halves. Place the
weights into the individual sub-pocket weight slots of the
bottom pockets of the front and back of the Xvest. If your
weight exceeds twenty (20) pounds, you will place the addi-
tional weights evenly (front and back) in the top pockets.
Step 7:
Attach the Velcro™ and the quick release clip on
each shoulder strap or place your head through the hole
between the shoulder straps. The Xvest should be centered
on your torso with the top and bottom edges level. Check
the position of the Xvest making sure that all weights on
the back are positioned in the exact same position as all
weights in the front.
Step 8:
Take the two quad-lateral straps stretch, and tighten
the straps in front. The straps must be
This is one of
the properties that create the
Step 9:
Get ready to sweat; it’s time to workout!
Congratulations, you have the best vest-training tool
in the market. With proper fitting and usage of the
Xvest, you will see dramatic results in your physical
abilities - Get ready to get Stronger, Faster and Higher!
The Xvest is designed to be custom fitted toward any
body type; because proper fitting is the
. Before you
put on the Xvest for the first time –
and follow all the instructions properly.
Remember to always consult with a physician before beginning any exercise program, especially one as XTREME as an Xvest program.