Acroprint ARES III User Manual

Page 25

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Performance / Exceptions Report:

This report sheet allows the user to quickly evaluate watchman tours with little effort. The scope of its analysis is focused on the performance of each
. It is composed of a rectangular chart containing rows and columns.

Rules and Conventions:

• The Hour headers (columns) display hours from 00 to 23. A total of 24 columns represent a complete day.

• The Max. UT row (Maximum Unattended Time) displays the maximum time per hour in minutes, which a station has been left unattended.

• The RPH row (Recordings per Hour) displays the amount of times per hour that a station has been visited by a specific guard. The name of the guard

will appear to the left of each RPH row. The Station name will appear above each guard’s name.

• The Total row summarizes the total amount of times a station has been recorded by all guards who have visited this station. If only one guard is tour-

ing a particular Area the RPH and Total values will be the same.

• The


(Programmed Recordings Per Hour) row shows the Station Schedule for the day.

• Each group of stations which composes a Tour Area will be displayed under its respective Area header.