Using the appliance – Acme GA05 User Manual
Page 7

Using the appliance
1. Connect the USB cable of your game pad to a USB port on your computer.
2. Insert the driver CD and double click on the “GA-05 drivers.exe” icon then step by step as screen
display. The driver will be automatically setup by program. If you want to cancel this install action,
then click the “Cancel” to cancel the installation.
3. The game pad is now installed successfully and ready to play. Once everything stated above is
normal, you can exit and start playing the games with your game pad.
4. To configure the device, click:
• Start
Control panel
Game controllers.
• Please note that the Game controller’s application is called Game options in Windows ME.
5. Select the required device.
6. Now click Properties to test and calibrate all functions in the menu. Press the joystick direction keys,
action buttons and function buttons. The testing page will have the corresponding reactions which
show you if the function keys and action buttons are good or not.
Vibration function
The Gamepad has internal motor which work only in games supporting “Force Feedback” function
and when supplied drivers have been installed. See the manual of your game on whether the game
supports vibration or not. If problems persist, check whether vibration support was activated in the
game options.
1. Ensure that your game software supports game controllers.
2. In order to use the vibration function, your game’s software must support Force Vibration/Force