Emulationpro, Acclaim, Emulation pro – Acclaim Lighting ART SSC User Manual

Page 5: Lighting

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Emulation Pro


Cross platform
Hardware platform
Physical interfaces
Network interfaces
Compatible with

Advanced scalable lighting control


Windows, Mac OS & Ubuntu Linux
Ethernet connected

DMX, GPI, GPO, MIDI, RS232, SMPTE, Ethernet
OSC, UDP, IP, Art-Net
aTouch, TouchOSC, third party MIDI devices

Lighting Control Software


** All rights reserved. Improvements changes to specifications, design, and all contents in this catalog may be made at any time without prior notice.



Emulation Pro

Emulation Pro is a free download, available for Windows, Mac & Linux. It can be installed on multiple computers; the one connected to the ART SSC hardware becomes
‘live’, also enabling all hardware interfaces like general purpose input- and output ports, SMPTE time code and DMX in and out.

The Emulation Pro user interface is designed with touch screens in mind. Speedy programming of lighting cues and matrixes is possible using the freely programmable,
direct access group and palette buttons. A TouchOSC template is available to mimic all functions of the software on an iOS device - a fully functional Emulation Pro
remote control!

Emulation Pro features an extensive matrix pixel mapper for creating beautiful matrix effects. Some examples of effects that come with the software are twinkle, sinus,
confetti, vortex, rainbow and text generator. These effects can be modified as well, changing parameters like density, shape, speed, etc. Once created, the software
can calculate a seamless loop that can be automatically spanned across multiple ART SSCs. When copied to the ART SSCs, one can remove the computer with Emula-
tion Pro, leaving the network with ART SSCs connected on site, thus facilitating unattended playback of complex matrix patterns. An Emulation Pro system is an excellent
solution for media façades, shopping malls and other architectural projects.

Emulation Pro can be tightly integrated in other media systems as well. Using a choice of time code sources, events can be synchronized with lighting cues. UDP mes-
sages sent over the network can be used to synchronize lighting with media players and video content. The software also includes a powerful time line editor, as an
alternative to the industry standard cuelist system. In fact any part of the Emulation Pro user interface can be activated by external triggers.

Cross Platform





Being cross-platform, Emulation Pro can be installed on

Windows, Mac or Ubuntu Linux computers. The software

license allows you to install this application on as many

computers as you like. The one computer linked to the

hardware interface becomes your `live‘ system.

Emulation Pro is compatible with aTouch, an external pro-

gram that runs on Windows, Mac OS and Linux. It features

buttons and faders to trigger the software, taking away

the control part from the programming of Emulation Pro.

aTouch is developed with touch screens in mind, password

protected, and can be set to start up upon switching on

the computer.

Emulation Pro features intuitive monitor screens for analy-

sing incoming and outgoing DMX, Art-Net, MIDI and OSC


Multiple MIDI control surfaces can be connected to enhan-

ce the GUI of Emulation Pro. Adding MIDI controllers offers

the tactile feel of knobs and sliders. Many brands and mo-

dels are supported.

Apart from the industry standard cue list system, Emulation

Pro features a timeline editor for programming accurate

light shows. It can be synchronized by various time code

protocols, like MIDI, OSC and SMPTE.


Emulation Pro is compatible with OSC. Using the TouchOSC

editor (available from and the TouchOSC

app (available from the Apple App Store) one can create

a unique user interface to control Emulation Pro, especially

tailored to the customer‘s needs. A fully functional Tou-

chOSC template for Emulation Pro‘s GUI , including feed-

back, is available on request.

ART SSC Programming Tool


The ART SSC has many stand-alone features that can be
accessed by its web-interface. Alternatively, you can also
use Emulation Pro to program the internal memories of the
ART SSC. programming the ART SSCs by using Emulation Pro
is particularly time-saving in a multiple-ART SSC setup.

Emulation Pro is a scalable system. Starting from a single

ART SSC you can expand up to 8 units, several ART IOs and

even ART B6 control panels. Over 8,000 DMX channels can

be controlled with a single system, comprising Emulation

Pro and 8 ART SSCs.

Lighting Console

Connected to a browser, the ART SSC unfolds itself into a

1024 channel lighting controller, complete with an industry-

standard command-line interface for fast programming.

It features 256 scenes with programmable fade and hold


Protocol conversions

The Show Control editor also allows for powerful protocol

conversions between any physical port, like DMX or MIDI

and any Ethernet based protocol like Art-Net or OSC.

Matrix Effects

Macbook not included