Candy CA CSDH 917 X User Manual
Page 4

Display C = - indicates the selected motor speed (from 1 to 4); - indicates Timer On when the number blinks; - indicates
Filter Alarm when the central segments is on or blinking.
Button D = makes the motor work (at the last speed selected); pushing the button again, the speeds of the motor are
sequentially selected from 1 to 4; keeping this button pressed for about 2 seconds shuts down the motor.
Button R = resets the grease filters or charcoal filters; when the filter alarm appears (i.e. when the central segment on
the display goes on), the grease filters must be cleaned (30 hours of operation); when the central segment starts blinking,
the grease filters must be cleaned and the charcoal filters replaced (120 hours of operation). Obviously, if the hood is
not a filtering model and does not have a charcoal filter, clean the grease filters both when the central segment goes on
and when it starts blinking. The filter alarm can be seen when the motor is off and for about 30 seconds. To reset the
hour counter, keep the button pressed for 2 seconds while the alarm can be seen.
Controls shown in Fig.18:
Button A: turns the lights on/off; Filter alarm: every 30 hours of operation the corresponding pilot lamp (S) comes on to
indicate that the grease filters must be cleaned; every 120 hours of operation the corresponding pilot lamp (S) flashes
to indicate that the grease filters must be cleaned and the charcoal filter replaced. To restart the hour counter (RESET),
hold the button A pressed down for about 1” (while the pilot lamp S is on).
Button B: drives the motor in first speed (the corresponding pilot lamp comes on); when pressing the button a second
time (while the pilot lamp is on), the TIMER is activated and thus the motor stops after 5’ (the pilot lamp flashes); when
holding it down for about 1”, the motor cuts out.
Button C: drives the motor in second speed (the corresponding pilot lamp comes on); when pressing the button a second
time (while the pilot lamp is on), the TIMER is activated and thus the motor stops after 5’ (the pilot lamp flashes).
Button D: drives the motor in third speed (the corresponding pilot lamp comes on); when pressing the button a second
time (while the pilot lamp is on), the TIMER is activated and thus the motor stops after 5’ (the pilot lamp flashes).
Button E: drives the motor in fourth speed (the corresponding pilot lamp comes on); when pressing the button a second
time (while the pilot lamp is on), the TIMER is activated and thus the motor stops after 5’ (the pilot lamp flashes).
Controls shown in Fig. 19:
P1 Switches LIGHTS on and off
P2 min and MAX LIGHT intensity
P3 Nothing happens when pressed with motor OFF. When pressed with motor ON decreases speed until switch-off.
Kept pressed for 2" with motor OPERATING, switches off motor and stores the speed.
P4 When pressed with motor OFF, switches on the motor at stored speed in switch-off or first speed phase When
pressed with motor ON, increases speed.
L1 and shows current speed (GREEN)
P5 Resets filter reset count with motor OFF. NOTE The filter timer is maintained even in the absence of power
With motor ON, trigger TIMER 5'
L2 Shows: 1) with motor off, the FILTER RESET IN RED, (30hours Steady LED, 120hours flashing LED)
After 30h of operation, the LED L2 turns RED. It indicates that the grease filters need to be cleaned.
After 120h of operation, the LED L2 turns RED and flashes; It indicates that the grease filters need to be cleaned and
the charcoal filters replaced.
After cleaning the grease filters (and/or replacing the charcoal filters), restart the hour counter (RESET) by pressing the
key P5 during display of the filter alarm.
Grease filters : to remove the grease filters, push the retainer near the handle inwards and pull the filter downwards
(Fig. 4). Wash the filters with neutral detergent.
If the model you have purchased has the controls shown in Figure 16, clean the grease filters on average every 2
months depending on use. If the model you have purchased has the controls shown in Figures 17, 18 and 19, clean
the grease filters when the Filter Alarm appears (see “Controls” paragraph).
Replacing the charcoal filter: if using the hood in the recycling mode, the charcoal filter must be replaced
periodically. First of all, remove the metal grease filters. Push the catch inwards (Fig. 15) and remove the charcoal
filter from its case. Reposition a new charcoal filter of the same type inverting the operations. If the model you
have purchased has the controls shown in Figure 16, replace the charcoal filters on average every 6 months
depending on use. If the model you have purchased has the controls shown in Figure 17, 18 and in Figure
19, replace the charcoal filters when the Filter Alarm appears (see “Controls” paragraph).
Lighting: Depending on the model purchased, see Fig.20, Fig. 21 or Fig. 22.
Fig. 20: to change the halogen lamps, turn the locknut counter-clockwise. Replace with the same type of lamp.
Fig. 21: to change the halogen lamps open the cover levering from the proper slots. Replace with the same type of lamp.
Fig. 22: if your appliance has the same kind of lights as in the figure 22, to replace the incandescent light bulbs remove
the grease filters and remove it; replace with light bulbs of the same type.