SoundMax SM-CDM1044 User Manual

Page 18

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mode, the unit will seek for traffic announcement program when TA button is pressed; in TA ALARM the unit

does not retune to TA information.


During AF search, PI stations and non-RDS (Radio Data Station) stations with strong signal will be masked, in

the latter case, the non-RDS stations may cause interference, resulting the real AF to be masked due to the

misjudgment of the radio under interference. Rotate VOL knob to select the desired mode: MASK DPI and

MASK ALL. During MASK DPI mode, the unit will mask only the AF which has different PI, this is the default

mode; during MASK ALL mode, the unit will mask the AF which has different PI and no RDS signal with high

field strength.


“RETUNE” refers to the time period the unit allows for radio scan when reception is interrupted. “S”

represents a time period of 30 seconds and “L” represents a time period of 90 seconds.


SEEK 1: When SEEK 1 mode is activated, AUTO SEEK SCAN is stopped when station is detected even user

still push SEEK button.

SEEK 2: Auto SEEK SCAN is not stopped even if station is detected if user pushes SEEK button. When

releases SEEK button, then stop when station is detected.


When FM stations are weak and are disturbed, listening can be improved by selecting MONO.


“Local” position in areas with strong signals to let radio stop at only strong stations during manual tuning

(LOC appears). Select DX (distant) position in areas with weak signals to listen to all stations.


This function allows setting the volume level of the unit after it was turned off and then turned on again.

Choose VOL LAST if you want the volume level to be the same as it was before turning off. VOL ADJUST

allows choosing volume level.