Edimax Technology 3G-6200nL User Manual
Page 93

Here are descriptions of every setup items:
Item Name
WPA Unicast Cipher
Please select a type of WPA cipher suite.
Available options are: WPA (TKIP), WPA2
(AES), and WPA2 Mixed. You can select one of
them, but you have to make sure your wireless
client support the cipher you selected.
Pre-shared Key
Select the type of pre-shared key, you
can select Passphrase (8 or more
alphanumerical characters, up to 63), or Hex
(64 characters of 0-9, and a-f).
Pre-shared Key
Please input the WPA passphrase here.
It’s not recommended to use a word that can
be found in a dictionary due to security
Please click ‘Apply’ to save changes, or click ‘Reset’ to clear the texts in
all fields. If you click ‘Apply’, the following messages will appear:
You can click ‘Continue’ to back to previous page and continue setting, or
click ‘Apply’ to restart the broadband router so the changes will take
If you have RADIUS authentication server on your local network, you
can authenticate the wireless clients by RADIUS server’s user database.
Only authenticated clients can establish wireless connection with this
broadband router.