Festool PLANEX LHS 225 EQ User Manual
Page 16

- The outside diameter and the thickness of acces-
sories must be within the specifi ed size range of
the machine. Accessories with incorrect dimen-
sions cannot be suffi ciently protected or controlled.
- The bore diameter of discs, fl anges, support
plates and all other accessories must fi t the
machine spindle exactly. Accessories with an
unsuitable diameter are out of round, vibrate
excessively and lead to loss of control.
- Do not use damaged accessories. Before use,
always check accessories such as sanding pads
for nicks or cracks and check support plates
for cracks and excessive wear. Every time the
machine is dropped, check the machine and
accessories for damage, or install undamaged
accessories. Following the check and assembly
of accessories, ensure that all persons are be-
yond the rotating range of the tool and run the
machine for one minute at maximum speed.
Damage accessories usually break completely
during this test time.
- Wear personal protective equipment. Depend-
ing on the application, use a shield or protective
goggles. If practical, wear a breathing mask, ear
protectors, safety gloves and a work apron suit-
able to protect against impact or small sanding
or workpiece parts. The protective goggles must
be capable of blocking fl ying debris caused by the
various work operations. The breathing mask
or device must be capable of fi ltering particles
generated during work. Continuous exposure to
loud noise can cause loss of hearing.
- Ensure that persons standing near the machine
are at a safe distance from the work area. All
persons in the work area must wear personal
protective equipment. Parts of the workpiece or
broken accessories can fl y off and cause injury
outside the immediate work area.
- Always hold the machine by the insulated han-
dles if you intend to perform work that may
pose a risk of cutting into hidden power cables
or your own machine cable. Contact with live
cables transfers an electric current to metal-
lic machine components and causes electric
- Keep the power cable away from rotating parts.
If you lose control, the power cable could be cut
or become stuck and your hand or arm could be
drawn into the rotating parts.
- Never set the machine down until the tool has
stopped completely. Turning tools can catch on
the storage surface, causing you to lose control
of the machine.
- Never allow the machine to operate while car-
rying it at your side. The rotating tool can catch
on your clothing by accident and cause serious
cutting injuries.
- Clean the air vent slits on your machine on a
regular basis. The cooling air fan sucks the dust
into the machine and excessive deposits of metal
dust can result in electrical hazards.
- Never operate the machine near combustible
materials. Sparks can ignite these materials.
- Never use tools that have to be liquid-cooled.
Water and other liquid coolants can cause po-
tentially fatal electric shocks.
Cause and prevention of kickbacks
A kickback is a sudden reaction to jamming or
catching of a rotating disc, a support plate, a brush
or other accessory. Jamming or catching results in
a rapid standstill of the rotating accessory, whereby,
as a counter-reaction, an out-of-control machine is
accelerated around the jamming point in a direction
of rotation opposed to the accessory.
If, for example, a sanding disc is jammed or
caught by the workpiece, the disc circumfer-
ence can dig into the workpiece surface at the
jamming point, causing the disc to be expelled.
The disc can either fl y towards or away from the
user, depending on the direction of rotation of the
disc at the jamming point. This can also cause
sanding discs to break. A kickback is the result
of misuse of the machine and/or incorrect method
of work or operation and can be avoided by closely
observing the following precautionary measures.
- Always hold the machine fi rmly and position
your body and arms such that you can control
any kickback force. Always use the auxiliary han-
dle, if included in the delivery, to ensure optimum
control over kickbacks or reaction torques during
start-up. The user can control reaction torques
or kickbacks if suitable precautionary measures
are taken.
- Never place your hands near rotating tools. Tools
can kick back over your hand.
- Never position your body in the area in which
the machine moves in the event of a kickback.
A kickback accelerates the machine in the direc-
tion of rotation opposed to the disc at the jam-
ming point.
- Take extra care when working in corners, on
sharp edges, etc. Avoid kickbacks and prevent
the tool from seizing. Corners, sharp edges or a
jump back tend to cause the rotating tool to catch,
thus leading to a loss of control or a kickback.