Festool SE-EHL User Manual

Page 5

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Warning of general danger

Read the Operating Instructions/Notes!

1 Correct


The SE-EHL device for bench mounting has
been designed to hold the Festool EHL 65 E and
EHL 65 EQ planes so that these can be operated
upside down as stationary tools.


Preparation of on the plane

The chip ejector connection must be mounted in
such a way that the extraction adapter is on the
left of the machine.


Installation as operational device

3.1 Assembly of the device for bench mount-


Lay the base plate (1.4) on a fl at, fi rm surface
(table top) with the anti-slip coating (1.10) on the
Insert the two square nuts into the grooves (1.8
+ 1.9) to fasten the rear plane mounting (1.11) on
one end of the base plate.
The rear plane mounting is fastened fl ush with
the end of the base plate using the Allen screws
(1.13) and tooth lock washers.
The two remaining square nuts are inserted into
the front groove (1.8) at the other end of the base
plate and the front plane mounting (1.3) fi tted in
the same manner.
These fastening screws should not yet be fully
tightened so that the mounting can be moved.
The starting clip (1.6) is fastened in the bore hole
(1.14) by the chain (1.7).


Fitting the plane

Before fitting the plane in the device

for bench mounting unplug from the

The planes have a circular opening on the rear for
assembly purposes.
Turn the plane upside down and insert the peg
(1.12) on the rear mounting into this hole.
The plane is screwed to the side stop of the front
plane mounting through the bore hole (1.2) with
the screw (1.5).
The front plane mounting can now be screwed
tight onto the base plate.


Fitting the swivel hood

Place the torsion spring (2.3) on the arbour (2.4)
so that the end of the spring (2.6) enters the bore
hole (2.5) in the arbour.
Then place the swivel hood (2.8) onto the arbour
so that the other end of the spring enters the slot
(2.1) in the hub of the swivel hood.
Now turn the swivel hood in the direction of the
arrow (2.7) so that the lugs (2.2) on the arbour
and swivel hood engage and push the swivel hood
down onto arbour.
When fi tted properly, place the snap ring (3.1)
onto the free end of the arbour and push into the
annular groove (3.2).
The pre-assembled swivel hood is now mounted
on the front plane mounting (1.3) so that the lug
(3.3) fi ts into the corresponding square hole in the
mounting surface.
Finally, screw the swivel hood to the plane mount-
ing with the screw (1.1).

4 Safety


Please read before starting work

4.1 Swivel


The swivel hood (1.15, assembly described in No.
3.3) automatically covers the planer head when
not in use.

Do always use the swivel hood!


Using the parallel stop

The parallel stop must always be used so that
that part of the planer head which is not in use is
covered at every planing width.


Using a feed device

A feed device should be used when planing small


Fastening the device for bench mount-

Before starting work make sure that

the device for bench mounting is fi xed
securely to the base (table), for example
with clamps.

5 Starting
Suspend the clip (1.6) in the trigger switch and
push over the plane’s handle to switch on. This
holds the trigger switch in the ON position. Re-
move the clip to switch off.