Using timed imaging – Nokia 321 Studios User Manual

Page 37

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Using the camera


Using the camera

the camera. You can configure the 15 second delay on the Automatic imaging tab, see page 12. If you
press the motion detection button while the camera is sending an image, the camera sends the image
first and then turns off motion detection.

To turn off motion detection, send the SMS command 2 off to the Nokia Observation Camera.

Using timed imaging

To set the camera to capture images at defined intervals, send the SMS command 4 on hh:mm number
to the Nokia Observation Camera. Replace hh:mm with the desired interval, for example 00:01, if you
want the interval to be one minute, or 01:00, if you want the interval to be one hour. Replace number
with the maximum number (0-10) of timed images you want to receive.

Note:If you set 0 as the number of images, timed imaging remains on until you turn it off.

Note: If you turn timed imaging on with SMS, the images are sent to the master user only.

You can also set timed imaging on with PC Suite. With PC Suite you can also define how many timed
images you want to receive before the timed imaging feature is turned off, see Automatic imaging
tab on page 12.

When you have set timed imaging on, the camera sends you the first image message after the first
interval has passed.

Note: The size of the image messages and possible network-related issues may affect the time
in which the image messages are received.