3D Connexion 17621 User Manual
Page 12

If these example explanations have not made the functionality of Network Address
Translation a little clearer, please see one of the Web sites listed at the beginning of the
document for more explanation.
If at least the basic ideas of Compatible Systems NAT implementation are understandable to
you, please continue on to the next section which describes the Command Line commands
used to configure the NAT software keywords in Compatible Systems routers and display the
current status of the NAT software in the router.
The Network Address Translation software has a show command much the same as that of
other features in Compatible Systems routers. The show nat command will produce the
following display.
Nat_2220> show nat
Valid subcommands of nat are:
Config NAT Configuration
Map NAT Routing Map
SEssions Active NAT Sessions
STatistics NAT Statistics
Address_db NAT IP Address Database
The five different options for the show nat command are almost self−explanatory but are
described in more detail here.
show nat config will show the current configuration of the NAT software in the
show nat map will display the one−to−one address translation pairs currently entered
in the router, or display a message that no one−to−one address pairs are presently
entered in the NAT Map Database
show nat sessions will display the translation sessions currently active in the router's
NAT software
show nat statistics will display the total number of sessions the router has created
since it was lasted booted, how many are currently active and the status of those
sessions which are no longer active
show nat address db will show all of the IP addresses being used by the router for
Network Address Translation
The Command Line displays for each of these commands is shown and described in the
following text.
The following display is for the NAT Router of Example Two.
Nat_2220> show nat config
NAT functionality enabled (On/Off): On
NAT Response to external ICMPs (On/Off): On
Communicate w/ Router through IP Ports (On/Off): On
Configured Ports: Ether0
UDP timeout period (sec.): 300
TCP timeout period (sec.): 86400
TCP SYN timeout period (sec.): 180