3M FAP03 User Manual
Page 6

• Retirez l’emballage en plastique
et l’encart en papier du filtre de
rechange du purificateur d’air.
• Assurez-vous que le filtre est
aligné correctement. Les flèches
situées sur le côté du filtre
devraient pointer vers le
purificateur lorsque vous installez
le filtre.
• Placer le bord inférieur du filtre
neuf dans le logement du filtre et
pousser doucement le filtre vers
l’intérieur en appuyant sur sa
partie supérieure à deux endroits
et en le poussant vers l’avant.
Une fois que le filtre a dépassé le
rebord de retenue supérieur, le
• Replacez le couvercle avant en
plaçant les languettes du bas du
couvercle dans les cavités du
purificateur d’air. Poussez la
partie supérieure du panneau
vers l’appareil jusqu’à ce qu’il soit
bien en place.
Remplacement du filtre
• Le purificateur et les filtres
doivent être mis au rebut
conformément aux règlements
locaux, provinciaux et fédéraux
en vigueur.
• Remplacez le filtre lorsque la
minuterie de changement
commence à clignoter en rouge.
Changer le filtre après au moins
90 jours d’utilisation continue ou
avant selon les conditions
d’utilisation dans la maison.
• Une inspection périodique du
filtre pour détecter tout
dommage ou toute obstruction
est fortement recommandée.
Utilisez seulement les filtres de marque
Filtrete™ dans le purificateur d’air.
This Air Purifier from 3M comes complete
with the latest advances in air filtration technology
in a stylish and trend setting design.
Filtrete™ filters use proprietary technology to provide high filtration
efficiency and low airflow resistance - the end result is a highly
efficient room Air Purifier that operates quietly.
This Filtrete filter has electostatically-charged fibers that can capture
particles as small as 0.1 micron. The electrostatically charged fibers
are most effective when your filter is new and clean. As particles
build up on the filter, they begin to cover up the charged fibers.
This will reduce the effectiveness of the fitler at capturing additional
particles and can occur early in your filter's life. The time frame and
extent of the reduction will depend upon the actual use conditions in
the room in your home.
To maximize the air cleaning in the room that contains the Air
Purifier, we recommend that you clean and seal, as much as
possible, the room in which the Air Purifier operates; continue to
dust surfaces and vacuum on a normal schedule; and close all
windows and doors during operation.
Filter Change Indicator:
The Air Purifier is equipped with a state-of-the-art filter life analyzer.
Unlike timers and other conventional filter change indicators, the
analyzer recognizes gradual changes in the filter condition over time
and displays a warning signal when it is time to change the filter. If
the Air Purifier is used in an environment with high particle
concentrations, such as a room with new carpeting, woodworking,
etc., the analyzer will detect excessive particle collection and provide
a warning to the user to change the filter.
To ensure that the air purifier continues to provide effective air
cleaning, the filter should be changed after no more than 90 days of
continuous use. For this purpose, another change indicator is
installed to monitor how long the Air Purifier has operated, not just
how many days since the filter was installed. The filter change
indicator has been set to indicate filter change for typical household
conditions. A yellow caution light will come on when the filter is
about 80% used, and a red warning light will come on indicating the
filter needs to be changed.
Features and Functions: