X10 Wireless Technology IR10A User Manual

Page 17

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Setting up more, cont.

Clearing Settings in the Remote

This lets you clear (erase) various things
you’ve set up in the remote.

Press the HOME key, select Setup. Then
at the screen to the right select Clear

Pressing the Side Key next to Devices lets
you clear the settings, i.e. codes, for
various Devices (TV, VCR, etc.). After
selecting Devices, you select the device
you want to clear. Only devices that you
have set up are shown. All other devices
that have not been set up are grayed out.

Pressing the Side Key next to Favorites lets you select a group,
e.g. His, Hers, etc., and then clear ALL the favorites you had
set up in that group of favorites. Only groups that you have set
up favorites in are shown. All other groups are grayed out.

Pressing the Side Key next to Learned lets you select a device
(TV, VCR, etc.) that you had previously learned commands
and/or Macros under and clear everything that was learned.
Only devices that you have learned commands and/or Macros
under are shown. All other devices are grayed out.

Pressing the Side Key next to Punchthrough lets you clear any
Punchthrough commands you had set up for a device. Only
devices that you have set up Punchthrough for are shown. All
other devices are grayed out.

Pressing the Side Key next to Master Clear lets you clear
EVERYTHING in the remote. Be careful when selecting this.
Note however that ALL the sections above display a warning
screen allowing you to change your mind before actually
clearing anything.

Setting up more, cont.

Renaming Favorite Groups

This lets you Rename the groups that you
save your favorites in. For example you
might want to rename His to Dave, or
Hers to Isabel.

Press the HOME key, select Setup, and
then select Favorites. Then at the screen to
the right select Rename.

Note, none of the groups are grayed out
so you can even rename groups that don’t
yet have any favorites set up in them.
Pick the group that you want to Rename,
e.g. His.

You enter the new name for the favorites
group using the numeric keys on the
remote, in a similar fashion to typing in
text on a cell phone. E.G. in this example
we pressed the 3 key on the remote to
enter the letter “D.” Then we pressed the
2 key repeatedly until the letter “a” was
displayed. Then we waited a second and
repeatedly pressed 8 to select “v.” Then
we waited a second and repeatedly
pressed the number 3 key until “e” was

When you’ve entered the new name,
press OK to save the new name for the
favorites group.