Doughs – Zojirushi BBCC-Q20 User Manual

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1. Measure all ingredients except yeast into baking pan in the order listed above. Tap the baking pan

firmly to level ingredients. Make a depression in middle of flour and sprinkle the yeast into it,

ensuring that the yeast does not touch any liquids.

2. Insert and lock baking pan securely into baking unit, close lid. Select DOUGH setting

3. Press START. Approximately 40 to 45 minutes after pressing START, a beep will sound, (this signal

is for adding extra ingredients). Our recipe does not require extra ingredients, please ignore the beep


4. The machine will beep when dough is finished. (The OPERATION light will flash). Press RESET

then unplug the unit.

5. Remove dough from baking pan. Turn dough out into greased bowl. Cover with plastic wrap. Place

the dough in a refrigerator and allow to rest 30 minutes.

6. Roll dough into 20 X 14 inch rectangle on a lightly floured surface. Using about 7 Tbsp. softened

butter. Butter 2/3 of the dough while leaving 1/3 of the dough unbuttered.

7. Fold each dough into thirds and repeat step 6 twice more. Add flour to

rolling surface as needed to prevent sticking. Cover securely with plastic wrap and place in the

refrigerator for 1 to 2 hours or overnight. (In summer, place the dough in the freezer. Must thaw

slightly before continuing.)

8. Cut each dough in quarters and roll each quarter to 1/4 inch thick. Cut the dough into isosceles

triangles. (Wide end should be about 3-1/2 inches.)

9. Roll each triangle loosely starting from the wide end, lay with seam-side down. Curve ends.

10. Place them on the greased baking pan. Allow to rise for about 40 to 50 minutes or until the size

doubles. Brush lightly with egg glaze.

11. Bake at 375 degrees for 10 to 15 minutes, or until golden brown and flaky. Makes 32 croissants.

2 Large Egg

3 cups Bread Flour

1 cup All Purpose Flour

4 Tbsp. Dry Milk

2 tsp. Active Dry Yeast

1-1/3 cups Butter, Softened

Egg Glaze:

1 Medium Egg, beaten

2 tsp. Water


1 cup Water

4 Tbsp. Butter

4 Tbsp. Sugar

1 tsp. Salt