X-Micro Tech. USB2.0 Flash Stick User Manual
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figure : 2.4
After the restart of Win98 operation system, please insert X-Micro USB2.0 Flash Stick, the
system will find the equipment automatically and put into using.
Notice: Please don’t insert the X-Micro USB2.0 Flash Stick before installing the driver
program, or it may make the system can’t install automatically.
X-Micro USB2.0 Flash Stick application
3.1 Windows 98/Me/2000/XP
1) Turn on your computer
2) Connect the X-Micro USB2.0 Flash Stick and the USB interface of computer; please
find it from session 1.1.3 of chapter 1. If the connection is OK, the indicator of X-Micro
USB2.0 Flash Stick will turn light, that means flash memory disk is working.
3) Open “ My computer”, you will find a new “ Removable Disk” symbol (figure 3.1). That
is the X-Micro USB2.0 Flash Stick’s symbol. Generally, the symbol is the last one for
the current system, if the latest disk symbol is D before connecting X-Micro USB2.0
Flash Stick, then the disk symbol of X-Micro USB2.0 Flash Stick is E. One more need
to pay attention: when you are using X-Micro USB2.0 Flash Stick for the first time,
please kindly wait for a moment, because the system needs some time to find the
driver and it only needs for the first time using.
Under the Windows Me/ 2000/XP, the bottom right of screen will show an icon, it
means X-Micro USB2.0 Flash Stick. (Picture 3.2)
4) After then, you can use X-Micro USB2.0 Flash Stick like traditional hard disk. You can
copy, edit, and delete the document. When it is working, the indicator light glints