X10 Wireless Technology XPS2 User Manual
240v wall switch - receiver xps2, Xps2, Double-pole switch

Tampa, FL 33542
Technical Support: (800) 832-4003
240V Wall Switch - Receiver
The XPS2 is a 240V, Decorative-style, non-dimming, Double-Pole Wall Switch rated for 20Amps. It can handle ON/OFF loads as follows:
Pumps, Air Conditioners, HID Lighting, Blowers, Heaters, Vacuum Systems, etc. It's decorative rocker plate permits local operation of the switch.
The X10 Address Code Dials set House Code and Unit Number and are located behind the Rocker Plate.
Specific Requirements:
240VAC, 20Amps
Optional / Supplementary Devices & Modules:
XPF - Load-side Filter (one on each leg) to reduce noise, from load, degrading switch remote operation.
PMC01 Desk-top, Mini-Controller, XPMT1 Desk-top Mini-Timer, PHK05 Wireless RF Handheld Remote Kit
X10 Protocol:
House Code Dial - Letters A-P (default "A") Unit Number Dial - Numbers 1-16 (default "1")
Each X10 Receiver Module is set to a unique Unit Number or to an identical Unit Number as desired.
Each X10 Controller operating a specific set of Receiver Modules must be set to the same House Code as the Receivers they are controlling.
Does NOT respond to ALL Lights ON
Electrical Protocol:
Nearly all residential homes are wired SPLIT-PHASE. Each 120V Phase is NOT directly connected with the other 120V phase. If after installation,
an X10 Receiver does not respond to a remote Controller, then check to ensure that the breaker serving the X10 Receiver is on the same phase as
the Controller. If not, the breaker can be changed to the opposite phase. An alternative solution is recommended, to install a Phase Coupler for
improving remote communications throughout the home. See www.x10pro.com, then select Technical Support and PLC Troubleshooting.
1. Turn power OFF at Circuit Breaker
2. Remove the existing wall switch. Five wires remain protruding out of switch box. Two wires are HOT (one from each phase of a 120/240
electrical system), two wires go to the LOAD and one wire is Green which is Ground. Spread wires apart so none are touching each other.
3. With Breaker ON, determine which two protruding wires are HOT. Use a voltmeter and measure between ground and each wire, individually.
Two will read 120V (LINE), the other two are 0V to (LOAD). One is the Green Ground wire. You will measure 240V across the two HOT wires.
4. With the Breaker OFF, Connect the Switch "Green" Ground Wire to the Ground wire in the switch box.
5. Connect the two HOT wires to the Switch "Red and Black" LINE wires, connect the other two LOAD wires to the
Switch "Blue and Yellow" LOAD wires.
7. Re-check all connections, Turn power ON at Circuit Breaker.
8. Press switch paddle once, you will hear the switch CLICK and the LOAD should turn ON. Press paddle again, you will hear the switch CLICK
and the LOAD should turn OFF.
7. Attach the face plate.
You are now ready to control the switch with an X10 Remote Control Module: desktop, wireless handheld, Security Panel, etc. The default address
is "A1". If you wish to change the Code, the Code Dials are behind the paddle. Remove the paddle, with a small flat screwdriver, buy prying it up
from its side center point..
Double-Pole Switch
240V / 20A
Motor, Pump
Vac, Heater
HID Lights