X-Micro Tech. 400 User Manual

Page 36

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The “ REC01 2004/01/01 10:23” is scrolli ng horizontally when
t he file is pl aying,
But ton Function in the Playing i nterface

Short-Press of MODE: To enter i nt o the Playi ng menu

i nterface.

Short-Press of PLAY: To enter i nto t he St op Interface.


Long-Press of PLAY: To turn the player off.


Short-Press of NEXT: To jump to next file and start

playi ng from i ts begi nning.

Short-Press of LAST: To j ump to l ast fi le and st art

playi ng from i ts begi nning.

Long-Press of NEXT: Fas t forward till t he end of t he

s ound file.

Hol d-On of NEXT: Fas t backward till t he beginning of

t he sound fil e.

Hol d-On of “ Vol +”: To increas e the vol ume.


Hol d-On of “ Vol-”: To decreas e the vol ume.


Short-Press of A-B: To enter t he Repeat i nterface and

confi rm the “A” point.
Inval id Fi les Processing
When t he pl ayer encounters invali d files during auto or manual
s election of songs, the mess age “ Format Error” wi ll dis pl ay.
Two s econds l at er, the player will ret urn to the Stop interface.

Pl aying Menu I nterface

Note: This i nterface provi des the user wit h various options,
i ncluding Repeat Mode, Tempo rate, Replay and Exit, while t he
recorded file is still playing.
Interface Di splay