Port options – XiNCOM Twin WAN XC-DPG503 User Manual

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Port Options

Figure 6. Port Options

Connection Validation

PPPoE / PPtP Connection Options

Transparent Bridge Mode

Health Check

Use this field to select the type of connection validation

to perform. When set to ICMP, the XC-DPG503 sends

out ICMP echo requests. When set to HTTP, the XC-

DPG503 requests web pages.
Alive Indicator

This is the IP address used to check if the WAN

connection is operational. When using HTTP, put in a

valid IP address of a web server. When this field is blank,

the ISP gateway IP address is used.

Note: This is not used for PPPoE connections.

The Maximum Transmission Unit is used when

determining the packet size to be used on the WAN

interface. Normally, this does not need to be changed, but

if your ISP advises you to use a particular MTU, enter it


Auto Dialup

When set to Enable a connection will be established

whenever outgoing WAN traffic is detected. If not

Enabled, you must establish a connection manually.
Auto Disconnect

This determines when an idle connection will be

terminated. Enter the required time period.
Echo Time

This determines how often an Echo request is sent to the

PPPoE server. The Echo request is used to determine if

the connection is still valid. Normally, there is no need to

change the default value.
Echo Retry

The number of time the Echo request will be sent if there

is no response to the first request. Normally, there is no

need to change the default value.

Bridge Mode

When set to Enable, this WAN port does not use NAT &

Load Balance function when LAN/WAN IP have the real

IP addresses on the same network segment.

Traffic Management
Strict Binding
- When a WAN port connection is

disconnected, the packets will not go to another WAN

Loose Binding - When the WAN port connection is

connected, the packets will go another WAN port.
Load Balancing - This will mix real and private IP’s on

the LAN side doing the load balancing.