X•tant – Xtant 3150X User Manual

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(ikst`ænt, e`kstent) 1. adj.

still in existence, especially. of
enduring excellence.|

|e.g. of xtant

quality that stands the test of time
and the passing of fads.

2. adj.

Standing out or above, as in out-

, the quality or state of

being original. [from. L. xstans
(xstantis) n present participle of
xstare, to stand forth. || Second
origin; Prescott AZ. U.S.A. Ntl.
Frst. Cmp. 1994 v. to xtantify = to
stand up and be heard] 3. noun


applied creativity

esp. a

company of people united to apply
original thinking to continually
advance the spectrum of extraordi-
narily vivid sound reproduction
to apply innovative thought and
action to questions previously
considered resolved.||

X t a n t Te c h n o l o g i e s

7676 South 46th Street Phoenix, Arizona 85040

(602) 431-8686 FAX (602) 431-8600
