Whistler 1605 User Manual

Page 19

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Other Speed Detection Systems
Several techniques other than radar are used to measure
vehicle speeds. When these methods are being used, no
detector can provide a warning. These techniques include:
• Pacing - A patrol car drives behind you and matches your

driving speed.

• Vascar/Aircraft - The time it takes a vehicle to travel a

known distance is measured.

Radar Detector Detectors
The Interceptor VG-2, or simply VG-2, is a microwave receiv-
er used by police to detect signals radiated by the local
oscillator of a radar detector. Because its purpose is to iden-
tify persons driving with radar detectors, the VG-2 is known
as a “radar detector detector”.
The VG-2 is the primary tool used by the police to identify
radar detector equipped vehicles. If caught, drivers risk los-
ing their radar detector and receiving a fine. In addition,
instant-on radar is almost always used in combination with a
VG-2, leaving unsuspecting motorists vulnerable to receiv-
ing two tickets — one potentially for speeding, the other for
possession of a detector.

BE ADVISED: This radar detector does not detect or
hide from the VG-2.