M-AUDIO Multimixer 10 User Manual
Page 4

• Top – Signal Level LED.
Shows when any audio signal
is coming into the MultiMixer.
• Top – Clip LED.
Shows when the internal main ampli-
fiers inside of the MultiMixer are clipping. It is accept-
able to see these LEDs light occasionally, but if they are
solidly lit you should find the individual signal that is
too hot and turn it down.
• Back – Inputs 1 and 2.
1/4” mono phone jacks. These
two inputs may be set to either mic or line level using
the gain dip switches on the left side of the unit. Tip: if
you are using MultiMixer with an XLR microphone you
will have to get an XLR to 1/4” adaptor.
• Back – Inputs 3 through 6.
RCA mono jacks. These are
line level mono inputs.
• Back – Inputs 7/8 and 9/10 (Stereo).
1/8” stereo mini-
jacks. These are line level unity gain stereo inputs. They
may be used as returns or AV/multimedia ins. Tip: since
the gain and balance of these inputs are fixed you must be
able to control these signals at their source.
– Main Outputs (L, R). RCA jacks. These are the
main MultiMixer left and right line level outputs. They
should go to either a power amplifier or powered speak-
er inputs.
• Back
– Main Output (Stereo). 1/8” stereo jack. Same
as the Main L and R outputs above except on stereo jack.
• Back – 9v ac power.
The jack into which you plug a 9v
300 milliamp ac power adapter. Important: MultiMixer
will not work unless it receives power at this jack.
• Side – Gain Dip Switches.
These two dip switches
independently control the gain of channels 1 and 2. In
the up position the gain is set for microphones and in
the down position for line level signals.