M-AUDIO Multimixer 10 User Manual

Page 4

background image

• Top – Signal Level LED.

Shows when any audio signal

is coming into the MultiMixer.

• Top – Clip LED.

Shows when the internal main ampli-

fiers inside of the MultiMixer are clipping. It is accept-
able to see these LEDs light occasionally, but if they are
solidly lit you should find the individual signal that is
too hot and turn it down.

• Back – Inputs 1 and 2.

1/4” mono phone jacks. These

two inputs may be set to either mic or line level using
the gain dip switches on the left side of the unit. Tip: if
you are using MultiMixer with an XLR microphone you
will have to get an XLR to 1/4” adaptor.

• Back – Inputs 3 through 6.

RCA mono jacks. These are

line level mono inputs.

• Back – Inputs 7/8 and 9/10 (Stereo).

1/8” stereo mini-

jacks. These are line level unity gain stereo inputs. They
may be used as returns or AV/multimedia ins. Tip: since
the gain and balance of these inputs are fixed you must be
able to control these signals at their source.


Main Outputs (L, R). RCA jacks. These are the

main MultiMixer left and right line level outputs. They
should go to either a power amplifier or powered speak-
er inputs.

• Back

Main Output (Stereo). 1/8” stereo jack. Same

as the Main L and R outputs above except on stereo jack.

• Back – 9v ac power.

The jack into which you plug a 9v

300 milliamp ac power adapter. Important: MultiMixer
will not work unless it receives power at this jack.

• Side – Gain Dip Switches.

These two dip switches

independently control the gain of channels 1 and 2. In
the up position the gain is set for microphones and in
the down position for line level signals.