Whistler PP150AC User Manual
Page 8

Although it is not necessary to unplug the inverter when turn-
ing over the engine, the inverter may momentarily cease
operation as the battery voltage decreases. When the invert-
er is not supplying power, it draws very low amperage fro m
the battery (<0.10 A to <0.20 A depending on the model) and
may be left connected to the battery for up to three hours.
H o w e v e r, we recommend the inverter always be disconnect-
ed when not in use.
Inverters will not operate with certain automotive sys-
tems unless the ignition is on. If the inverter is not
generating power, try turning the ignition to the
accessory position.
All WHISTLER inverters are shipped with a replace-
ment fuse. Do not install a fuse with a higher rating
than that specified. Doing so may damage the inveter.
This same precaution also applies when the vehicle’s
cigarette lighter fuse is blown. Always replace the cig-
arette lighter fuse with a fuse of the same type and rat-
ing as indicated in the vehicle’s owner’s manual.
Make certain to correct the source of the overload
which caused the blown fuse before turning your
inverter back ON (l).
The Power Source.
When the engine is off, most batteries will provide an ample
power supply to the inverter for one to two hours. The actual
length of time is a function of several variables including the
age and condition of the battery and the power demand
being placed on it by the equipment being operated with the
i n v e rt e r.
If you are using the inverter while the engine is off, we
recommend you start the engine every hour and let it run for
at least 10 minutes to re c h a rge the battery. We also re c o m-
mend that the device plugged into the inverter be turned off
b e f o re turning over the engine.