Operation operation operation – Whistler 1758 User Manual

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Power On and Self-Test

Each time your Whistler detector is turned on, an
automatic self-test sequence confirms that the
speaker and visual displays are functional.
• Press Power. Display reads (1773 only) in order:
1. WHISTLER 2. X-band

3. K-band

4. Ka-band


6. SR ON

7. VG2 OFF 8. B SVR ON


10. HWY

• Display indicators will light in same order for 1758.

Setting Saver

Setting Saver saves your personalized settings so
that when the detector is turned off and then on
again, you do not have to re-enter them.

Feature Engaged Confirmation

Each time a button is pressed one beep confirms
feature “on”, two beeps confirm feature “off”.

Audio Level Adjustment

The audio levels can be adjusted high to low or low
to high.
• Press Volume up to increase audio level.
• Press Volume down to decrease audio level.
As audio level is adjusted, beeps are provided and
the display indicates volume level.

Integrated Real Voice


(1773 only)

When selected, Real Voice


will be used to articulate

the following:

1. Band Identification
2. Safety Warning System messages
3. Feature Selection

NOTE: In certain cases the voice message does not
replicate the text message.



Auto Quiet Mode

Auto Quiet reduces the selected audio level to level
(1) approximately 5 seconds after a radar or safety
radar signal is detected. The alert for any new signal
within 20 seconds will resume at level (1). Auto Quiet
does not affect VG-2 or laser alerts.

• Press Quiet/Menu (before a signal is detected) to

engage Auto Quiet.

• Once the Auto Quiet mode is engaged, you may

cancel the audio alarm by pressing Quiet.

• Press Quiet (when the unit is not alarming) to

cancel Auto Quiet mode.

Quiet Mode

Quiet cancels audio during an alert and any new alert
within 20 seconds. After 20 seconds, approximately
2 beeps are provided on any new alert and unit then
remains quiet.
• Press Quiet to cancel the audio.
• Press Quiet a second time during an alert to restore

the standard audio alert pattern; or turn the unit
off, then on.

City/City 1/City 2 Mode

Whistler’s Three Stage City Mode is designed to reduce
the annoyance of automatic door openers, intrusion
alarms and other devices which share frequencies with police
radar. Generally X band is used for these devices.
• Press City to cancel Highway mode and engage City.
• Press City a second time engages City 1.
• Press City a third time engages City 2.
• Pressing City a fourth time cancels City Modes and

returns the unit to Highway Mode.

City/City 1/City 2 Mode (Cont.)

In City Mode, weak speed/safety radar signal give an
initial alarm of two beeps, and then remains quiet
unless the signal becomes very strong. When the
signal strength increases, two additional beeps are
City 1 and CIty 2 Modes operate the same as Highway
Mode, but in City 1 Mode, only the X band sensitivity
is lowered. In City 2 Mode, X-band is not detected.

CAUTION: Some towns/small cities may still be using
X band radar. If Auto Quiet is engaged in City 1 or
City 2 modes and the unit receives a strong radar signal,
the unit performs the Auto Quiet feature. City Modes
do not change the audio alert for laser or VG-2.

Highway Mode

Highway mode provides full audio warnings any time
radar (X, K, Ka, Safety Radar) or laser signals are
detected, and is recommended for open road driving.
For more information on City and Highway mode, please visit
our FAQ page on our website:

Dim/Dark Mode

Dim/Dark Mode reduces the illumination of the display.
• Press and hold Power for 2 seconds to reduce

illumination to a Dim setting.

• Pressing and holding the power button for 2 seconds

a second time engages Dark Mode. The display
illumination is further reduced.

Dim or dark can be engaged during an alert. In Dark
Mode, the display goes dark for as long as a signal is
being detected and for 20 seconds after, then the
display returns to the dimmer setting.
• Pressing and holding the power button a third

time restores full illumination to the display.

This manual is related to the following products: