Annual maintenance storage tank sanitization, Drain line fl ow restrictor – Watts Radiant WQC4 RO User Manual
Page 14

Page 14
Turn off the incoming water supply at the adapta valve.
Open the faucet, allow the tank to empty, and then close the faucet.
Remove the tubing between the tank and the RO unit.
Drain the water from the tubing and pour one teaspoon of household bleach into the tubing.
Reinstall the tubing between the tank and the RO unit.
Turn on the water supply at the adapta valve.
Allow the RO unit to fi ll the tank overnight.
Open the faucet and allow the tank to empty, and then close the faucet.
Replace the post carbon fi lter cartridge.
Annual Maintenance
Storage Tank Sanitization
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Step 9
Turn off the incoming water supply at the adapta valve.
Remove the red tubing from the back of the RO unit.
Remove and inspect the orifi ce in the fl ow restrictor. Clean if necessary.
Reinstall the fl ow restrictor into the end of the red tubing.
Reinstall the red tubing onto the back of the RO unit.
Turn on the water supply at the adapta valve.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Drain line fl ow restrictor