Chimney and draft, Safety rules, General requirements – White Rodgers G1N 4R9 User Manual
Page 4: Introduction

To get maximum performance from your PSG furnace, keep in mind the following:
• Comply with local codes (if in doubt, contact your local heating specialist).
• Refer to the furnace’s certification label and your instruction manual for minimum installation clearances.
• Make sure that your furnace has been installed in accordance with the required standards specified on the
furnace’s identification label.
This furnace must be connected to a chimney approved for wood-burning appliances; the chimney connector for a
PSG 2000 must have 6" diameter; 7” for PSG3000 and PSG4000, for all other models, use an 8" diameter chimney
Use the supplied barometric draft control. Never use a manual chimney damper.
The barometric control must be adjusted so that the maximum draft measured at the furnace outlet does not exceed
-0.06 in. w.c. Please note that a draft exceeding -0.06 in. w.c. could produce an uncontrollable fire. On the other
hand, the minimum draft required is -0.04 in. w.c. in the evacuation pipe on the wood side, no matter what type of
furnace (PSG Wood, PSG Wood/Electric and PSG Wood/Oil).
• Never light your furnace using chemicals or other liquid fuels. Never installed automatic feeder on that unit.
• Never store wood near the furnace. Respect the required minimum clearances between combustibles and
your furnace.
• Keep your furnace, chimney and smoke pipe connector clean and in good working order at all times. We
recommend that you establish clear procedures for wood storage, system maintenance and operation of
your furnace. Check creosote accumulation daily until you can determine by experience how often to clean.
Weekly cleanings may be necessary in mild weather, while a monthly cleaning may be all that is required
during the colder months of the year.
• Keep loading and ash drawer doors shut during operation and make sure their gaskets are in good
condition. To replace defective gaskets, see your dealer.
• A plentiful supply of air and a vigorous fire will reduce creosote accumulation.
All controls adjustments must be performed by a qualified technician. The controls settings and the blower speed must
conform to the recommendations of the National Warm Air Heating and Air Conditioning Association and respect the
recommended static pressure ranges in the warm air bonnet of the furnace (see General Technical data static
Make sure the chimney outlet and the pipes are clean and in good condition.
Do not use chemical products or liquids to light the fire.
Do not burn wood coated with paint, glue or chemical products.
Do not burn wastes or flammable liquids such as gasoline, naphtha or motor oil.
Do not install an automatic feeder on this furnace.
Do not store wood in the vicinity of the furnace. Respect the required clearances between combustible materials
and the source of heat.