Whistler 2000 User Manual
Page 12

3. Isolate the television, its power cord and antenna cables
f rom the 12 volt power source by running an extension cord
f rom the inverter to the television set.
4. Coil the television power cord and the input cables ru n n i n g
f rom the 12 volt power source to the invert e r.
5. Attach a "Ferrite Data Line Filter" to the television power
c o rd. More than one filter may be re q u i red. These filters are
available at most electronic supply stores including Radio
Shack. (Radio Shack Part Number is 273-105).
N o t e :
Inexpensive sound systems may emit a "buzzing" sound
when operated with the invert e r. This is due to inadequate
filters in the sound system. There is no solution to his
p roblem short of purchasing a sound system with a higher
quality power supply.
For You Microwave Chefs.
The power rating commonly associated with micro w a v e
ovens is the "cooking power" which is the power being
" d e l i v e red" to the item being microwaved. The actual oper-
ating power re q u i rement rating is higher than the cooking
power rating and typically is re f e renced on the back of the
m i c rowave. If the operating power re q u i rement does not
appear on the back of the microwave, check the owner’s man-
ual or contact the manufacture r.
If you are using the inverter while the engine is off, we
recommend you start the engine every 30 to 60 minutes and
let it run for at least 10 minutes to re c h a rge the battery. We
also recommend that the device plugged into the inverter be
t u rned off before turning over the engine.
Although it is not necessary to turn off the inverter when turn-
ing over the engine, the inverter may momentarily cease
operation as the battery voltage decreases. When the invert-
er is not supplying power, and turned on, it draws low amper-
age from the battery (<0.65 A ).
For You Television Fan & Audiophiles.
Although the inverter is shielded and filtered to minimize sig-
nal interf e rence, some interf e rence with your television pic-
t u re may be unavoidable, especially with weak signals.
H o w e v e r, here are some suggestions that may improve the
re c e p t i o n .
1. First, make certain that the television antenna produces a
clear signal under normal operating conditions (i.e., at
home plugged into a standard 110 AC wall outlet). Also,
e n s u re that the antenna cable is properly shielded and of
good quality.
2. Change the relative positions of the invert e r, antenna
cables and television power cord .
1250/1750/2750 Manual 3/6/02 2:45 PM Page 23