Circuit description, Receiver signal flow, 1) triplexer – Vertex Standard Yaesu VX-2R User Manual

Page 7: 2) 145-mhz band and 76-300mhz reception, 3) 435-mhz band and 300-540mhz reception, 4) 0.5-76 mhz reception, 5) 540 - 999 mhz reception

Circuit description, Receiver signal flow, 1) triplexer | 2) 145-mhz band and 76-300mhz reception, 3) 435-mhz band and 300-540mhz reception, 4) 0.5-76 mhz reception, 5) 540 - 999 mhz reception | Vertex Standard Yaesu VX-2R User Manual | Page 7 / 44 Circuit description, Receiver signal flow, 1) triplexer | 2) 145-mhz band and 76-300mhz reception, 3) 435-mhz band and 300-540mhz reception, 4) 0.5-76 mhz reception, 5) 540 - 999 mhz reception | Vertex Standard Yaesu VX-2R User Manual | Page 7 / 44