Melody mixer, Music video, Animal antics – VTech Computer Pal In Concert User Manual
Page 19: Instrument library

Characters from left to right:
Middle and high Do
Middle and high Re
Middle and high Mi
Middle and low Fa
Middle and low So
Middle and low La
Middle and low Ti
Create your own songs or songs from the song cards with the piano keyboard. Press
the DELETE key to erase the previously inputted note. Press the Pause key during
recording to add a musical rest in the song. Press the Play key to hear the song
created. If the Pause key is pressed here, pause the song and press any key
(except the Reset key) to continue. Press Reset to stop and clear all recording.
To adjust the speed of the song, click on the on-screen “+” and “–” icons or press
the Speed Up and Slow Down keys on your keyboard. To change to a different
instrument at any time during a song, press one of the instrument keys on your
keyboard and the song will immediately change and play in the tune of the instrument
that you’ve chosen.
32. Melody Mixer
Are you ready to jam with the Vocal Vibrations? To hear the Vocal Vibrations play
one of your favorite songs select a song from the list of 10 built-in melodies. If
you want to jam along all you have to do is press one of the instrument keys on
your keyboard.
33. Music Video
Do you want to create your own Music Video? Using your mouse, arrow keys or cursor
keys select a picture from the clipart provided. Each clipart will have it’s own melody.
The selected picture will be shown on the left side of the screen. When you click on
this picture you will hear the corresponding melody. You can select up to 16 melodies
to create your own Music Video.
34. Animal Antics
On the screen you will see 4 different animals, then a musical note will be played.
Each of the animals will sing a note. Your task is to use your mouse to click on the
animal which sings the same note that you heard originally.
35. Instrument Library
Can you tell which instrument makes what sound? In Level 1, a melody will be
played with one instrument then, 3 different instruments will be shown on screen.
Find the instrument that makes the sound that you heard played in the melody. In
Levels 2 and 3, a melody will be played with several different instruments. Remember
the sequence of the instruments played in that melody. Select the instruments in
the order that you heard them using your mouse, arrow keys or cursor buttons. Press
the ENTER key to confirm.
10/12/98, 11:34